Create a team with excellent achievements, share with employees the result of enterprise development.
To learn moreMoving towards to the goal of 'international first-class power equipment supplier'.
To learn more在9月1日举行的“奋战100天,决胜全年红”动员大会上,我公司继获评镇2021年第一季度行业领跑企业后,又次被评为镇第二季度行业领跑企业,总裁项勇上台领奖,这是根据企业产量、产值、销售、利润、亩均效益、能耗等指标综合评选的结果,2121非凡体育将按照区委推进“三个年”活动要求,发挥亚运契机、临空经济、产业底蕴三大优势,再接再厉,再创佳绩!
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